The setting sun shining beneath a boiling smoke-colored ceiling of a thunderhead gives a strange gilded lighting to these grazing lands of New Zealand. A bright-eyed young boy comes running through the field. "Wendy, Wendy!" A raven-hair maiden steps out onto the porch of the cottage, her hair blowing in the wind before the oncoming storm. "Joey?" "Yes. . . . Are you Wendy?" Meanwhile, in a small mining community in Idaho; Roo-man, sweat pouring down his face: "If only (pant) I could (pant) make the calc program look like any other program!" Roo-man sat back on his haunches. "Even in my alternate form I don't seem to be able to come up with a different way of doing this. If calcprog becomes pointer allocated then it acquires new VPA entries. If at this point environmental allocation fails then the new VPA entries must be destroyed. All these special cases! I'm glad that I sent Joey off to New Zealand." --excerpt from the HP-75 Internal Design Specification [They just don't write docs like they used to. -jkh-]