"Cartwheeling carriage returns, Roo-man!" "Whoa there, Joey!" Roo-man turned in shock. "Don't you think this alliteration stuff has gone too far? Cartwheeling carriage returns? Come on!" "But Roo-man, our image." The man of a thousand algorithms paused. He spoke softly now. "I guess you're right, kid." A loving smile of amusement crossed Roo-man's face, and giving Joey a mock right cross to the jaw, he said, "Ya know, kid, you're all right." As he turned and strode off down the corridor, Joey heard him murmer bemusedly to himself, "Yeah, kid, you're all right." A big boyish grin broke out on Joey's freckled face (with only a trace of the horrible scars) and he ran after Roo-man like a school child let out for recess. --excerpt from the HP-75 Internal Design Specification [They just don't write docs like they used to. -jkh-]