Subject: Boost IR range! Easy hack! 12 feet+ range! (Scott Marlowe) FOUND IT! I found that freakin resistor that cripples your HP 48G/GX's IR port receive function! If you have it open (see other files on that, I'm not talking ANYONE through that one alone,) lay it face down on a work table. With the bottom closest to you, you will see a small SMD resistor labelled 224 right next to a 74HC00 IC (on the GX) or next to a blank 14 pin spot on the G. This is a 220k resistor. With it in place, and my IR port cover off, I measured a receive range with my JVC remote of about 6" max for reliable programming under the REM34 program. When I replaced this resistor with a 47k one (number will be 473, i.e. 47x10^3) My range is now at LEAST 12 feet. I was able to read the remote from across my freaking kitchen!!! How very cool. Tested the above with a JVC remote from 30 feet, and it worked GREAT. Makes the REM program quite useful now, since you basically can bounce signal off the wall and get a good read. Popped the calc back open, and went from a 47k to a 100k resistor, and still got 30+ feet. SOrry I couldn't test any longer distances, but my living room and hallway are only so long... I had tried a 200k resistor (isntead of the 220k built in) but got the same dismal 6" max range with that. One thing I am worried about is power consumption, but unless this is a non-linear increase in current, I should be looking at no more than an increase of two times power draw with half the resistance (100k vs 220k) so I'm willing to be a guinea pig for a week or two.