(Comp.sys.hp48) Option: Item: 1024 by _joehorn@hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com [Joseph K. Horn] Subj: G/GX Auto List Processing Update Date: 10 Jun 1993 ---------- Resp: 6 of 6 by billw@hpcvra.cv.hp.com [William C Wickes] Date: 18 Jun 1993 Automatic list processing is a property of CK1&Dispatch ... CK5&Dispatch, which are intended only to be used as the first objects within keyword secondaries. It is *not* a property of CK&DISPATCH0/1. The latter words are used for dispatching at various levels; it would have been very dangerous to change their behavior. Joseph Horn writes: > To answer that, I threw together a tiny program that started with > CK2&Dispatch, and it automatically had the new list processing > ability. But then I inserted a NOP between the :: and the > CK2&Dispatch, and the list processing went away! That's not all that might go away. CKn&Dispatch assume that they are the first objects in a keyword secondary, and in particular that that secondary is preceded by a property list code and a command name. They should not be used elsewhere. I know that's not the point of Joe's example, but it makes me cringe when I see the CKn&Dispatch words flung around. Bill Wickes HP CVD