Aradenatorix Veckhôm Vacelaevus

First Name:Aradenatorix
Last Name:Veckhôm Vacelaevus
Last Change:2004-12-18
Number of Files:1 (1,223rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:7,372 (1,316th most downloaded)

Funciones Especiales Transformadas e Integrales 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   187 KB / 2 KB
FETI is a suite of a few programs and utilities written in User RPL for students of calculus, differential equations, and vector analysis. Includes another file called Jacobiano, useful for calculating Jacobians, and comprehensive documentation that includes the source of all the programs.
By Aradenatorix Veckhôm Vacelaevus. 2004-12-18

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