
First Name:
Last Name:primer
Last Change:2017-09-20
Number of Files:2 (789th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:1,355 (2,276th most downloaded)

LibAssoc 0.801   (details) Prime ENG   6 KB / 11 KB
Powerful list processing tool, which adds the concept of associative lists, where you can store values based on names rather than just numbers. Requires libList.
By primer. 2017-09-20

libList 1.0   (details) Prime ENG   4 KB / 6 KB
Collection of tools for list processing, including L_GET (get an item), L_SET (change an item), L_INS (insert an item), L_DEL (remove an item), L_MAP (call a function on each item), ARR2LST (convert vector or matrix to a list), LST2VECT (convert a simple list to a vector), and SPLIT (split a string into a list).
By primer. 2017-02-11

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Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.