Impedance Calculator

Description:This program is aimed at Basic Electronics, and uses a friendly interface to facilitate data entry. Use the Navigator key to select your option like Series, Parallel, or tap the box beside it twice to check the box. Tp the Freq box, enter a frequency (for example, 12000) then tap box R, RC, RL, LC or RLC twice followed by [OK]. For example, for RLC, enter your values R=200, L=.002, C=2.5 EEX -6, and [OK], and the result will display XL, XC, Zr (Z in Rect.), Zp (Z in Polar), Yr (Y in Rect.) and Yp (Y in Polar).
Author:Bernard Michaud
Downloaded file size:2,791 bytes
Size on calculator:13 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science
File date:2016-08-06 21:13:55
Source code:Not included
Download count:2,967
Version history:2016-08-06: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    13236  08-06-16 21:10   Impedance Calc.hpprgm
     1861  08-06-16 21:11   impedancecalc.htm
 --------                   -------
    15097                   2 files
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